Monday, March 19, 2012

Two Headed Turtle - Rarest Species

Two Headed Turtle - Rarest Species
Two Headed Turtle - Rarest Species
Two Headed Turtle - Rarest SpeciesThe two headed turtle is one of the rarest species in the world and it’s generally found in Florida. The pet store owner, Casey got the two-headed turtle from a man in Florida. Usually this kind of rigorously malformed turtles die soon after birth, but Casey says that this one could be alive when we protect it safely. Special Precaution have been taken like feeding each head by hand, otherwise they will each other with their little pellets. Alas, the popular pet was eventually stolen from the pet store.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Hyacinth Macaw - Endangered and Largest Flying Parrot Species

 Endangered & Largest Flying Parrot Species
 Endangered and Largest Flying Parrot SpeciesThe scientific name for Hyacinth Macaw is Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, and generally known as Hyacinthine Macaw. It usually found in central and eastern South America. This parrot length is about 100 cm i.e., 3.3 feet, it’s longer than any other species of parrot. This species wing is about 388 - 425 mm long. It is the largest flying parrot species in the world.

The diet for this species is nuts from native palms, such as acuri and bocaiuva palms. With the help of strong beaks it can break the hard nuts and seeds. Even it can able to break the coconuts too. Nesting takes place in the month of July and December.