Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Chinese Giant Salamander

Chinese Giant Salamander

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest living species of the amphibian. It belongs to Cryptobranchidae family, reaches a maximum length of 180 cm (1.8 meters). These types of salamander occupy and live in cool, fast-flowing streams, mountain lakes and spend their whole lives in water. The Chinese giant salamander is built with a flat and broad head, wide mouth, small round eyes and a truncated snout.

Chinese Giant Salamander

The habitat of salamander consists of rocky, mountain streams and lakes with clear water, fast-running water. This species is generally found in forest areas and also in below and above sea levels of 1500m. It has a longest unbroken lineage and also contains large tongue and vomerine teeth. During the month of August and September, salamander lays 500 eggs. The skin is usually rough and absorbent with numerous wrinkles. Its tail is almost 60% of the length of its body; the species has a series of coastal and vertebral grooves.

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