Friday, September 30, 2011

Chlamydosaurus kingii - Frilled Neck Lizard

Frilled Neck Lizard
Frilled Neck LizardFrilled Neck Lizard is also called as Australian Frilled Lizards or dragon lizard. The scientific name for frilled dragon lizard is Chlamydosaurus kingii and and it belongs to the family of dragons. The Frilled Neck Lizard (sun-loving lizard) is the reptile emblem of Australia, depicts on defunct two-cent coin. The head and body length of the dragon lizard is 28cm and its overall length is generally 70 cm but up to 95cm.

The colour of the lizard matches the land on which it lives, but male lizard is more colorful than the female. Frilled Lizard is not poisonous or harmful to man and usually found in Australia northern Queensland and the Northern Territory. The frilled neck lizard is omnivorous one requires mixed vegetables and fruits as well as insects like crickets, mealworms, and wax worms. Breeding generally takes place in the month of September and the eggs take about 8 to 12 weeks to hatch.

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